The Importance of a Coach’s Job in the Game of Cricket

There is no doubt that a coach plays a major role in the game of cricket. However, many people find themselves asking this question, “is the role of the cricket coach as important as that of a football coach?” The job of a football coach entails moving along the sidelines in order to keep an eye on his players during the game. It also involves making quick decisions when necessary. A football coach can replace the team’s captain if he thinks it’s the right move.

However, in the game of cricket, the captain is the one who makes major decisions on the field. As a matter of fact, his/her role gets more crucial when the team is fielding. The captain of the cricket team has to also set the field placements and ring the bowling changes. Most importantly he or she has to be well prepared in case Plan A or B don’t work.

On the other hand, a cricket coach has very little control over the game. Instead, the coach just sits in the pavilion. In comparison to a football coach, a cricket coach is unable to lead the game in a certain way. For instance, a cricket coach cannot bring in more forwards as an attack strategy or bolster the defence.

The nature of the game of cricket demands that each and every player contributes to the victories of the team. Therefore, a cricket is only as good as the captain and his team. If a cricket team does not have good players who are consistent in their performance, then a cricket coach cannot do much. In fact, there is also very little that the team’s captain can do to hold the weight of the entire players.

It is undeniable that a cricket coach brings something to the table. Nevertheless, the composition of a cricket team is more important.

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